Bright Winners
For more information on our fabulous winners, please contact info@blac.org.uk
A stellar display of openness, bravery, creativity, innovation, inner strength, love, self-belief, support, and commitment in the community.

DJ Zel Manteaw
Outstanding Young Person
Zelda Manteaw (Harrow)
Outstanding Young Person
DJ Zel started DJing at the age of 9. Zel is an amazing radio DJ, and when it comes to entertainment, she’s able to entertain both young and old, and is proud to inspire the youth. Zel is also philanthropic, and raises money for charity and has a brand of natural organic Shea Butter launching in 2021.

Beverley Dobbs
Overcoming Adversity
Beverley Dobbs (Hertfordshire)
Overcoming Adversity
Beverley was raised in a highly dysfunctional home with two alcoholics and mother being a prostitute. At the age of 12 Beverley was introduced to crack, heroin, ecstasy, acid trips, cannabis, and more, yet she’s gone on to run support groups helping other men and women who have experienced similar situations.

Alana Brown
Outstanding Young Carer
Alana Brown (London)
Outstanding Young Carer
From the age of 12, Alana has been looking after her mum who suffers from a number of health issues. Sometimes, medically, things are so bad, Alana’s mother is unable to open envelopes and read the contents, which Alana will have to do for her mum. Despite all this, Alana has continued to do been doing exceptionally well in school.
Outstanding Carer
Carers4Carers (London)
Outstanding Carer
Supporting unpaid carers and offer them the chance to meet with other carers for support and information. Carers get the opportunity to receive holistic therapies day trips with person being cared for with the extended family. This is an organisation which helps build community networks and confidence.
Sophia Morgan-Genus
Community Entrepreneur
Sophia Morgan-Genus (Birmingham)
Outstanding Community Entrepreneur
Sophia has a Masters in Mental Health Recovery with focus on meeting spiritual needs, and has practiced within the Community Mental Health Team’s. She also runs her own business, MorganGenus Ltd, focused on health and wellbeing, specialising in the natural minerals of relaxation Magnesium..
Mac Ferrari
Services To Volunteering
Mac Ferrari (London)
Services To Volunteering
Mac is the founder of Bikestormz a group of bike riders that ride out against knife crime pulling wheelies and tricks.
He started this over 5years ago after losing someone very close to him through knife crime and it’s grown ever since with some events seeing over 2,000 participants.
Dr. Doirean Wilson MBE
Outstanding Services To Education
Dr. Doirean Wilson MBE (London)
Outstanding Services To Education
Dr. Wilson is a committed academic who dedicates personal time to an outstanding contribution to education, not only at Middlesex University where she works. The Met. Police were so impressed with her work, they imbedded her cultural insights in their mandatory recruit training for all the Met’s staff.
Chris Hodge
Outstanding Services to youth mentoring
Chris Hodge (Newham)
Outstanding Services To Youth Mentoring
Chris has devoted over 30 years to young people that nobody would or could engage with. He has a calm, firm, and fair manner. He has changed many young people life’s in many different ways. He helps them to develop where they can make lots mistakes, then learn from them and move on.
Aba Graham
Outstanding Services To Campaigning
Aba Graham (Manchester)
Outstanding Services To Campaigning
Aba co-founded EaICO, and Nexus as well as establishing the Stockport Race Equality Partnership and advises on race equality for the Greater Manchester Police independent advisory group. Aba has helped over 500 people, and to date, has deterred around 25 people from entering into crime.
Best Eatery
Moziah’s (Luton)
Best Eatery
Moziah’s is a Caribbean restaurant in Luton which is a husband and wife team that boasts a warm and welcoming atmosphere as well as ‘finger-licking’ great food in. They do a wide variety of food and they are very popular in Luton. They employ local people including young people to help steer them away from crime.
Angela Parkes
Best Parental Guardian
Angela Parkes (Leicester)
Best Parental Guardian
Angela Parks is a single mother of two and a son with autism. From not knowing this disability and watching her son be labelled to getting her son diagnosed has been a major journey and she wants to help others who are in a similar situation. Angela now runs her own business as a dance teacher, teaching keep fit and is studying.
Xina Gooding-Broderick
Best General Business
Xina Gooding-Broderick (Leeds)
Best General Business
Xina took over her fathers funeral parlour when he passed away. She has kept the ethos of what he created in the heart of the BME community in Leeds, and Xina has since gone on to excel the business. The business is conducted with dignity, extremely professional, and is a great service for those in the community who seek that special cultural touch.
Best Sound System
Qualitex (Bristol)
Best Sound System
Formed in 1986 and at the forefront of Rub a Dub and Roots Muzik; music whic. Based on music that uplifts, educate, entertain. Now running a sound factory that employs and provides a training ground for young DJs some of whom have gone on to make a career in the music industry.
Dr. Ronx Ikharia
Best Neighbour
Dr. Ronx Ikharia (London)
Best Neighbour
Dr Ronx, is an A&E doctor at Homerton Hospital, Hackney as well as a presenter on Operation Ouch (BBC children’s channel), Dr. Ronx works to inspire young people of African, & Caribbean heritage both in respect of being a positive role model and for LGBTQ campaigning.
Wayne's Barber Shop
Best Barber Salon
Wayne Williams (Telford)
Best Barber Salon
Fresh Look Mobile Barber Van comes to sit in the settings like a barbershop, but with a difference. Wayne is the first barber to do this in his hometown of Telford. Great quality service top quality. You can book your time with one of the best mobile barber services.
Beverley Bradley
Best Hairdressing Salon
Beverley Bradley (Birmingham)
Best Hairdressing Salon
Not only is Beverley an outstanding hairdresser, she would go out of her way just to accommodate you. She is very caring, and is there for her community which includes the elderly, the sick, and the young. People find her very easy to talk to when they have a problem because she gives good advice.
Orlando Gittens
Best Stage Show Promoter
Orlando Gittens (London)
Best Stage Show Promoter
Orlando is a prime example of what can be achieved when hard work is coupled with creativity, tenacity, and a love for music. In recent times, Orlando has promoted under his company name ‘Musical Therapy’ to bring together the biggest reggae concert to ever take place in London; “Giants of Lovers rock”
Best Nite Venue
Byron (London)
Best Nite Venue
Management and staff at Bojangles are a team who are passionate about delivering excellent customer service and are committed to providing the community with a venue where they can celebrate their special occasion in beautiful surroundings, a fabulous food menu, and great customer service.
Ping Wing
Best Comedian
Ping Wing R.I.P (London)
Best Comedian
Top Jamaican Comedian Ping Wing has delighted audiences in Jamaica and the UK for more than 30 years. As well as a comedian, Ping Wing is also a singer, an actor and has performed in a movie, in plays, and at dinner & dances and even compared big stage shows keeping audiences enthralled.
Nadine White
Best Journalist
Nadine White (London)
Best Journalist
Nadine was born in Brixton to Jamaican parents and attended south London schools, and graduated from the University of London. In 2021 she joined The Independent as the first dedicated race correspondent in UK journalism and has worked with Huffington Post and The Voice Newspaper.
Annie Yellowe Palma
Best Writer
Annie Yellowe Palma R.I.P (Ireland)
Best Writer
Annie Yellowe Palma was a British poet, author and child protection advocate who wrote about her experiences growing up as a black woman in Northern Ireland at the height of the troubles and the level of racism she experienced even from her own family. Annie passed away on 3 December 2022 from a brain tumor.
Best Radio Station
Arawak Radio Station (Birmingham)
Best Radio Station
This station has been up and running for over 4 years providing music to the African Carribean community and they organise trips to the Black History Museum, help out with Christmas parties and family fun days. They also train other young DJs and presenters to reach there full potential by learning from the veterans within the music business.
Mosty Gee
Best Radio Presenter
Mosty Gee (London)
Best Radio Presenter
Mosty has campaigned on his radio shows for a great number of years and often discusses very serious issues such as knife crime and other serious issues which affect the the community, including topics such as prostrate cancer. He has never shied away from subjects which some would consider as being ‘the uncomfortable truths’.
Britain's Got Reggae
Best Online TV
Britain’s Got Reggae (Leicester)
Best Online TV
Cyrlene has suffered with depression since she was a teenager. In 2009 she had a car accident on the M1 motorway that was life changing, and eventually left her job working with offenders & ex-offenders as a result in 2010. Cyrlene started City Link-Up Unsigned in 2013 and then Britain’s Got Reggae in 2015. Both events have been very successful.
Talks With Monikah Lee
Best Online Media
Monikah Lee
Best Online Media
Monikah is known for her community debates where she discusses controversial topics such as Sex & Relationships, Black History, Mental Health as well as the political climate, alongside many intelligent panellists. Monikah brings the community together and breaks down many institutional barriers, including access to politics.
Stingray Studio
Best Recording Studio
Stingray Studio (London)
Best Recording Studio
Stingray, a UK based Reggae recording studio and label that emerged as one of the leaders in the music field since it was founded in 1994 by the McLeod brother’s. Dillie recalls from an early age he was into music, and his mother used to have difficulty keeping him away from her records so she brought him a drum kit when he was 15.
C-19 Heroes
This category was to award those who had been doing what it took to keep us safe, entertained, and protected by utilising their creativity, tenacity, selflessness, strength and resilience.
Nu Gen Care
Outstanding Service To Health & Social Care
Nu Gen Care (Birmingham)
Service To Health & Social Care
Nu Gen Care provides a culturally sensitive care service primarily for black elders. Built on the foundation of four pillars;
Training, Employment, Domiciliary Care and Residential Care. They train, educate and deliver excellence in the Health and Social Care sector, and provide a training programme that supports caregivers when dealing with service users from the BME communities, families and customers within the Health and Social Care environment.
Strictly Law
Outstanding Service to Key Public Services
Strictly Law (London)
Service To Key Public Services
Strictly Law is a virtual company that prides itself on its conscientiousness, competence, and understanding. They are a small community driven law firm that believes in equal rights and opportunities for all, regardless of age, sex, race, or religion. As a virtual firm, they’re able to meet clients in their own homes, mutually agreed convenient meeting places, Day Centres, Lunch Clubs etc, or at one of the Community Centres where they often hold their free advice clinics in their local areas which is great for the very elderly and other vulnerable residents .
Ronier Deumeni
Outstanding Services to Food & Necessities Industry
Ronier Deumeni (Scotland)
Service To Food & Necessities Industry
Martyn Linton
Covid 19 Outstanding Services t Safety & National Securityo Public
Martyn Linton (Hertfordshire)
Service To Public Safety & National Security
Detective Sergeant Martyn Linton joined North Surrey Division from the Met Police, and more recently, he has set up ‘Home Counties Training Ltd’, a family run business providing professionally accredited education and training to individuals as well as the business, hospitality, social care, construction and safeguarding sectors. In his teens, Martyn was a member of a low level street gang, destined for prison or the morgue when some interventions took place and he made some difficult decisions which led to him leaving that life behind. He has extensive experience dealing with gang crime and now teaches professionals how to prevent people entering a life of gangs and crime, how to identify people involved, safeguarding measures, and assisting people escape a life of crime and exploitation.
Honours of Distinction
Some of the more popular figures in the UK who have played a major and often, historical role which has left an indelible mark in the community with such distinction, it simply merited its own award entry.
Ranking Miss P
Lifetime Achievement
Ranking Miss P (London)
Lifetime Achievement
Ranking Miss P is known as a British radio presenter who was born in London to Jamaican Parents and younger sister of Rita Marley. On 31 March 1985, she began a weekly reggae show on BBC Radio 1 on Sunday nights. It was Radio 1’s first ever show dedicated to reggae music, and was one of the station’s first black presenters. Her show on the 12 May 1985, was an entire tribute to the life and music of her brother-in-law, Bob Marley.
Olive Morris
Posthumous Award
Olive Morris (London)
Posthumous Award
Olive Elaine Morris was a British community leader and activist in the feminist, black nationalist, and squatters’ rights campaigns of the 1970s in the United Kingdom. She lived predominantly in South London. Leaving school without qualifications, but later studied a degree in economics and social science at Manchester University between 1975 and 1978. Olive passed away on the 12th of July 1979 at St Thomas’s Hospital, Lambeth. She was 27 Years old.
Zita Holbourne
Community Achievement
Zita Holbourne (London)
Community Achievement
Zita is an award winning, trade union, community & human rights campaigner and activist, sell-out author, visual artist, curator, poet and writer. Her political views and opinions are regularly featured in print and broadcast media, and Zita is also a regular writer and contributor for other news sources including The Voice, The Morning Star and The Guardian. She is the Co-Founder and National Chair of Black Activists Rising Against Cuts (BARAC) UK.
Special Recognition
“It is a great honour, albeit shot through with deep sadness to announce the recipient of the ‘Special Recognition Award’, the last of tonight’s 34 categories, and perhaps the most special of them all.
It goes to a young man whose life was cut tragically short by a racist murder, and to whom we all owe a great deal; more than we can imagine. The howls of outrage that followed his murder 28 years ago has led to a more honest reckoning about racism in British society, about institutional racism in the police, and in our criminal justice system. A reckoning and reform that is still sadly ongoing, and radically incomplete. His name is seared on the consciousness of every Metropolitan police Commissioner that has followed, especially with knife crime and police stop and search tactics under the microscope.
I’m talking of course of Stephen Lawrence who was born on 13 September 1974 and would’ve turned 47 this month, but in reality, he never saw his 20th birthday. Tonight we honour him not just for the legacy that has resulted from his death, but for the inspirational qualities he showed during his life. The Bright Lights Awards Ceremony Judges were keen to emphasise this distinction, and indeed, Stephen was an exceptionally bright light in his 19 years; he aimed high in whatever he did. He pursued a wide range of interests, from athletics to physics, to architecture; he was ambitious, inventive and driven. He was also a considerate young man who thought about others and was loved by his family, and friends, and he had an exciting future; he hoped one day to be an architect. Stephen’s younger brother Stuart has kindly agreed to receive this award on Stephen’s behalf.
As I began, it is my honour, shot through with sadness, to present the ‘BLAC Special Recognition Award’ to Stephen Lawrence.”
Mr. David Cohen, Campaigns Editor & Investigations Editor at The Evening Standard and The Independent Newspaper.
Stephen Lawrence
Special Recognition
Stephen Lawrence
Special Recognition
Stephen has made an impact on British society and beyond. He was a son, a friend, a nephew, a cousin, and so much more. He was great at sport and had a great love for drawing and the arts. He and his best friends were so creative, they even started selling their own bespoke T-shirts in Camden Market in a shop called ‘Four Star General’. He worked hard at school to pursue his ambitions and on to college. Stephen had the drive to keep on going no matter what, and always to be the best version of himself he could be.
Hon. Stuart Lawrence.