Tammy palmer
Tammy Palmer
Liberal Democrats Councillor
Lib Dem Councillor.
Tammy Palmer has lived in Tottenham for over 10 years. She plays an active role in many local initiatives and has led on the Fair Funding for Education campaign in Tottenham calling for the Government to rethink their plans to change the current funding formula which will have a serious impact on many schools in Tottenham where funding is vital to ensure that young children have every chance to succeed through high quality education.
Tammy Palmer
Tammy also plays a very active role in her local school, working with the Head Teacher to challenge the council on better road safety measures and environmental issues such as traffic calming and creating no idling zones. She has also recently taken up a role as an Advisory Governor to a local school providing specialist HR advice.
As an active campaigner for Remain during the referendum, Tammy went on to co-found two high profile Remain organisations and organise campaigns and protest events.
Tammy has dedicated her career to working in the voluntary sector as a senior HR manager, with a special interest in tackling social inequality and ensuring that young people from hard to reach communities are given the support and opportunity to start a career within the Not for Profit Sector.
Having grown up living in foster care in Northamptonshire, she was routinely told from a young age that “children like you don’t succeed”. This has only spurred her on, and made Tammy determined to challenge and change the inequality in society.