<span class="gold-text">Dr. Martin Glynn</span>

Dr. Martin Glynn

Criminologist, Birmingham City University

Criminologist, Birmingham City University

Dr. Martin Glynn is an internationally renowned criminologist, educator, theatre director, and dramatist with over 35 years’ experience of working in criminal justice, public health, and educational settings. Dr. Glynn is currently a lecturer in criminology and black studies at Birmingham City University. 

Dr. Martin Glynn

Dr. Glynn has also made significant contributions in areas such as prison masculinities, race and crime, and contemporary rehabilitative work in criminal justice.

Dr. Glynn has recently been appointed a visiting research fellow at SALISES (the University of the West Indies), alongside undertaking a research residency at National Justice Museum in Nottingham.  Early in 2020 Dr Glynn will be featured in a new 5 part BBC 1 Crime documentary series that examines the current state of the UK criminal justice system.

A ground-breaking method for dissemination research data has been developed by Dr. Glynn and his new book ‘Speaking Data and Telling Stories: Data Verbalization for Researchers’ is published by Routledge (2019), which has also led to him setting up Algorhythm: Data Storytelling Lab.

His new book which is due out in 2021, calls for the need to bring urgent attention to ‘minority’, ‘excluded’, and ‘marginalised’ perspectives’ within so called contemporary mainstream criminology.

Russell (2002) has previously called for the development of ‘black criminology’, whilst Phillips and Bowling (2003) further argued that there is a need to develop ‘minority perspectives’ within the discipline of criminology. This book further calls for a (re)vised perspective by presenting a criminological ‘counter narrative’ using the lens of ‘black art’..

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