How to Vote:
Honours of Distinction is where the organisers have chosen specific figures who have played a major and sometimes, historical role which has left an indelible mark in the community with such distinction, it simply merited its own entry. Making a Bright Lights Nomination does not prevent you from voting in this section; we welcome you to do both.
Please vote for one candidate from each of the three categories.
Voting will close on Sunday 15 October, and the winner with the most votes from each category will be announced on the night.
Click here to find out more about each candidates.
Lifetime Achievement
- Gaynor Legall
- Roy Noel
- Yvette Williams MBE
Posthumous Award
- Paul Lawrence
- Claudia Jones
- Walter Tull
Community Award
- Greg McKenzie
- Jacqueline McKenzie
- Joe Williams
Please vote for one of your candidates in each of the categories below